7 Ways to improve your communication skill in preparation for your interview.

7 Ways to improve your communication skill in preparation for your interview.

May 31, 2018

Communication is a part of our daily lives. It is one of the most basic skills needed in life, and the most important during an interview.  You can have the perfect resume and credentials, but if you are unable to communicate properly during your interview, you still won’t be hired.
Here are some ways you can improve your communication skills in preparation for your interview:    

Communication is a part of our daily lives. It is one of the most basic skills needed in life, and the most important during an interview.  You can have the perfect resume and credentials, but if you are unable to communicate properly during your interview, you still won’t be hired.
Here are some ways you can improve your communication skills in preparation for your interview:    

1.Talk slowly
When anxiety or nervousness takes over during an interview, you tend to lose control, resulting in speaking faster than necessary and giving poor answers. Answer questions with the right pace and a calm mind.Talking fast not only ruins the communication between you and the interviewer, but it may also be interpreted as you having to be somewhere else more important than the interview. You should treat your interview in the same way you would approach the girl of your dreams.

2. Details, Details, Details
Almost everyone includes attention to detail as one of their strengths, but if you really pay attention to details, you will not stay unemployed long. Seeing details in the interview process helps a lot during the conversation. 
By paying attention to small details, you can start a good conversation, like when you notice what the interviewer likes to collect or where he or she likes to go on vacation.

3. Assertiveness
Do not be afraid to assert yourself during the interview, with respect to the boundaries of an applicant and interviewer. Speaking assertively proves that you do not doubt your ability to do the job. This will help you get your message across.

4. Word Usage
Communication involves a lot of factors, such as how you speak, your body language, and the words you use. Practicing which words to use to convey the message you want will help give you a smoother interview. Continue to develop your vocabulary to help you express yourself more easily.

5. Asking the Right Questions
Asking questions gives you control of the flow of the interview. Prepare questions in advance that will help you know whether you want to work at the company.

6. Keep it Concise
When you answer, keep your responses fairly short. Avoid giving long answers that lessen the effectiveness of your answers; only give answers long enough to prove your point.

7. Listen 
Communication not only involves you speaking—it’s also expected that you know how to listen. Listening will enable you to ask the right questions and give the right answers.

If you want to be hired, prepare for your interview, improve your communication skills, and do your best!


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